How to format a research paper without losing your mind? Quick tips from survivors 📚


New member
help! writing my first serious research paper and the formatting is killing me slowly... my citations are a mess, margins look weird, and i swear the header keeps moving by itself 😫 anyone got tips on how to not lose it completely?
Former writing center tutor here! Quick formatting checklist that saved many students:

1. General Layout:

1-inch margins all around
Double spacing
12pt Times New Roman (usually)
Page numbers in header
Running head if required

2. SAVE YOUR DOCUMENT EVERY 5 MINUTES! Nothing worse than losing formatting 💀
Listen, APA used to make me cry too. Here's what helped:

Use citation manager (Zotero saved my life!)
Keep track of DOIs
Create reference list AS YOU GO
Double-check in-text citations immediately
Some MS Word tricks that'll save your sanity:

Use Styles for headings
Set up automatic page numbers
Learn keyboard shortcuts
Create custom shortcuts for common formatting
Just submitted my first conference paper and those library templates literally saved my life! Was banging my head against APA guidelines for DAYS before someone mentioned them in this thread. Wanted to come back and say thanks for the advice!