How to format a research paper without losing your mind? Quick tips from survivors 📚


New member
help! writing my first serious research paper and the formatting is killing me slowly... my citations are a mess, margins look weird, and i swear the header keeps moving by itself 😫 anyone got tips on how to not lose it completely?
Former writing center tutor here! Quick formatting checklist that saved many students:

1. General Layout:

1-inch margins all around
Double spacing
12pt Times New Roman (usually)
Page numbers in header
Running head if required

2. SAVE YOUR DOCUMENT EVERY 5 MINUTES! Nothing worse than losing formatting 💀
Listen, APA used to make me cry too. Here's what helped:

Use citation manager (Zotero saved my life!)
Keep track of DOIs
Create reference list AS YOU GO
Double-check in-text citations immediately
Some MS Word tricks that'll save your sanity:

Use Styles for headings
Set up automatic page numbers
Learn keyboard shortcuts
Create custom shortcuts for common formatting