Custom Writing Plagiarism Checker

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  • You recently arrived from another country and your English isn’t very strong yet
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Check the plagiarism for free! Try it now!

Plagiarism appears in different forms. However, the result for a student is pretty much the same. Depending on the severity, the infringement can mean receiving zero on your paper, punishment, suspension, expulsion, and scrutiny of future works.

To be fair, some plagiarism is not intentional. Why? Because not all students know what constitutes plagiarism.

Is it plagiarism if you copied less than a paragraph from someone’s work without attributing? Is it plagiarism if you copied bits from a single sentence of a project you’ve used in the past?

Because there are lesser-known examples of plagiarism, students sometimes unintentionally miss errors that will still be considered errors. But you can do it with a paper writer plagiarism checker. plagiarism checker is an intelligent software that checks the originality of a paper for free against billions of web pages and articles to make sure your content is original and authentic. Our checker will scan through your entire document for similar content on the internet and flag phrases and sentences so that you can review them for correction.

If you think writing is overwhelming, you can hire our best writers to write your essay for you. Try CustomWriting.Com now.

Using plagiarism checker tool to check papers

So, what is plagiarism? It is simply the act of using someone’s ideas of work without giving proper credit. Regardless of whether the action is intentional or not, copying from someone’s work without citing them counts as plagiarism.

That said, there are different forms of plagiarism. For example, deliberate plagiarism is intentionally copying an individual’s work into your assignment without acknowledgment. On the other hand, incremental plagiarism occurs when you copy pieces and bits from a single sentence and add them to yours. Other types of plagiarism include patchwriting, self-plagiarism, misleading citations, invented sources, and more.

So, how do you know which one you are guilty of?

Imagine you have spent the whole day crafting a perfect assignment, and you have only an hour to submit your paper. Will you start reading through each line to spot the specific type of plagiarism?

More than changing words or paraphrasing, you must learn and employ principles of good academic practices to avoid plagiarism. If you try the paraphrasing method, you will scramble to update and modify your content where possible. All of these are honestly very cumbersome.

So, now you know that because you wrote your essay yourself does not mean you have not accidentally borrowed some information from somewhere else. Apart from this, you know there are different types of plagiarism, and you can’t waste your time trying to detect them. The only solution is to use a plagiarism checker.

At, our plagiarism checker will compare your upload against various sources and highlight the similarities between your paper and an online source so that you can change it.

Why Checking Paper For Plagiarism is Important

Plagiarism checkers are more effective than human

Do you want to know what part of writing is harder than the actual writing? Editing. That’s right. Nobody is perfect. However, a machine will do a better job than a human. Our smart technology allows you to check paper plagiarism against other works on the internet, line by line. In other words, it provides more references and a wider cross-referencing archive, including books that are not available online. plagiarism checker uses its database of billions of resources to check texts for plagiarism. You can use it instead of google since the tools are dedicated to text comparison only.

It helps you avoid the consequences of plagiarism

Students that copy other people’s work without proper credit face academic, personal, professional, and legal consequences. Many educational institutions, including your schools, have offices of judicial affairs that review cases of plagiarism. If they detect a violation, you can suffer a minor punishment like a zero grade or major ones like expulsion and suspension.

If you are lucky to survive an expulsion, they will tag you as a cheat and will scrutinize your paper more in the future.

Apart from academic consequences, studies have proven that students that duplicate or copy data lack the ability to create unique content once they graduate. Other psychological effects of plagiarism include deception, lying, etc. If you are unlucky, the individual that you copied without credit can sue you, and you will need to pay for any damages.

The only way to avoid any of the ugly scenarios we have highlighted above is to check writing paper with a plagiarism detector. With the help of the software, you can check your entire content against millions of other published contents within seconds. The results are also authentic and accurate.

Specific data on plagiarism

When you run your text on the plagiarism checker, it will display the total percentage of matches. Universities understand that no student is perfect, even the well-meaning ones. As a result, there is an agreed standard of a percentage that you must meet. If your percentage of uniqueness is above or similarity is below the required plagiarism level, you will know whether to proceed with the submission or edit your paper.

Our plagiarism checker will show you specific plagiarism data on your paper. If we flag your project for plagiarism and the percentage is higher than it should, you can use the check my paper for free function to edit it to prevent an investigation and unwanted attention from your supervisor.

Highlighting function makes things easier

Some students sometimes try to check for plagiarism by copying their text line by line on Google. This process is extremely challenging and ineffective. For example, how would you know the percentage of similarity or uniqueness this way?

Our plagiarism tool will show you some of the materials that contain your text to know where the mistake is. Instead of reading in-between the lines to find your mistake, we will highlight the similarities so you can spot them with ease.

Our plagiarism checker highlights every similar phrase, sentence, and paragraph that is copied. This way, you won’t miss any plagiarized content in your essay. Apart from this, we include details about the sources of the original content with their links so that you can check out the site of the source to check for similarities.

No more Plagiarism, check out our free tool! Try it now!

Saves time and energy

To be fair, some intelligent and smart students have attempted to beat the system by paraphrasing all night. But can you paraphrase all similarities correctly? Why waste your time and energy when you can simply use our plagiarism checker or writers to write my research paper plagiarism free.

Our tools will check for similar items, highlight them, and lead you to related content. Not only will you be able to locate plagiarized sentences from thousands of lines, but you can fix them automatically. All of these won’t take more than a few minutes compared to all-night paraphrasing.

Your writing is not flawless. Accept this fact and use our relaxed approach to improve your work.

Inspires confidence

If your tutor questions you about any aspect of your paper, you can print a copy of the plagiarism-free content and use it as evidence to show that you have not copied it from anywhere.

Our checker tool allows you to print a report as a precaution to show your honesty. It also sends a note to your supervisor that you did not have any intentions of copying from anywhere. Why else would you use a plagiarism checker if you wanted to steal from someone else?

How it works

Our plagiarism checker is an accurate and intelligent software. When you upload a text or file, the tool will analyze it based on word choices, matching phrases, lexical frequencies and many other factors.

Then, it maps the uploaded file into the network and compares it against the entire internet and different databases. It will generate a result along with the percentage of duplication found. Not only this, but it will identify the source of the content, and the similarity index and show them to you. It is as simple as that.

There are two ways to run a check on As a text or file.

If you want to upload text, copy and paste the entire text into a special box. Then, click to agree to terms and select check my Essay. You will see the result in a few seconds.

The other way to run a plagiarism check is to upload a file. Our software supports .docx, .pdf, and .txt file formats. You can either drop the file in a special box marked for submission or click an upload symbol to upload it directly from your drive. Then, click to agree to the terms and check my essay.

When you click on “Check my Essay”, the tool will display your results within a few seconds. This includes the uniqueness of the text, the sources, similarity index, an option to show in text, and an option to write plagiarism-free content.

That means you can know the sources and the similarity index of each source. It will also show the similarity in the texts so that you can make corrections.

Features of CustomWriting Сhecker

I need a plagiarism-free content

What sets apart from most plagiarism checkers is that you don’t have to adjust the similarities yourself if you don’t want to.

Apart from the usual plagiarism check, we have the best writers who offer dissertations, homework, college papers, research papers, assignments, and essay writing services. If you think the plagiarism is too much for you to adjust, you can employ us to write my essay plagiarism free.

To do this, you will need to:

  • Make an order on our landing page;
  • Choose the mode of payment that is most convenient for you;
  • Browse through our list of professional writers and discuss the details of your assignment;
  • Check through the contents and ask for improvements if you are not satisfied;
  • Download and receive your project.

Privacy and protection

Self-plagiarism is one of the many types of plagiarism. Wait, can you steal from yourself? Yes, you can. Some students refurbish their old work and turn it in to pass as a new work. Since it is still yours, there shouldn’t be a problem.

When you use our plagiarism checker, we will not make your writings public or searchable. In other words, our tools immediately delete the document after the check is complete without saving a copy. As a result, no future search will match your document. Apart from this, you can enjoy complete anonymity as we will never disclose your information.

Free duplication checker

Our checkers are free to use with no hidden charge. Although you will need to pay if you require the services of any of our writers, the plagiarism checker itself is free. We use the best and latest software and algorithms to provide advanced checks and help you get the best grade. You can also

Highly qualified writers

Most essays and research papers focus on a particular subject matter. As a result, you need specific skills and technical expertise to manage various school assignments and pass. Our platform uses highly qualified writers that have specific and fundamental academic knowledge in various fields to create plagiarism free papers. All our writers have specialized master’s or PhDs degrees and guarantee only the best level of work.

Urgent timeline submission

For deadlines that are too tight to meet, you can use our writers. At CustomWriting, our writers can come up with high-quality projects and presentations within a few hours without plagiarism. However, urgent submissions cost more than normal projects and has terms and conditions. Nonetheless, we will deliver on time and at our best.

Using CustomWriting for authenticity check on essay

As we’ve mentioned earlier, offers more than a free online plagiarism tool. Our services include professional custom writing help on any subject at reasonable prices and 24/7 live support. We have more than 200 writers that can write authenticity check essay on any topic or content. Also, we only receive payment after you confirm the paper, and you can ask for unlimited revisions.

Most of our writers have 100% ratings from hundreds of reviews, and thousands of finished papers. All you need to do is submit the requirement for your assignment, choose your ideal writer, deposit money, and release the funds when you receive your completed assignment. offers a college essay help service that is designed to help the most demanding students at a low price. By focusing on customer satisfaction, we combine high-quality papers and easy collaborations to build a good reputation for ourselves. Most of our employees have a basic MA or Ph.D. and decent experience in professional essay writing. Our writers are also native English speakers, and most importantly, your essay will be plagiarism-free.

If you have enough time on your hands and still feel like writing your essay yourself, you can use our free plagiarism check to ensure that there is no duplication and maintain your authenticity.

Paid or free paper checks for students

Fee-based plagiarism detectors require that you deposit an amount for you to access the software and run your checks. On the other hand, free checkers don’t require you to pay anything. The most significant difference between the two is that a free duplication detector like ours will help you save money.

People sometimes argue that free detectors have poor algorithms that will only verify a few sentences, and you will end up with a poor project. Apart from this, they point out the risk of data sharing or publication since most of the tools are not regulated by data protection policies. Additionally, they warn students of suspicious data regulations and data saving after upload.

So, let’s go over a few factors and see if it applies to our free checker.

  • Registration: paid duplication checkers require an extensive and time-consuming registration process. When you think about it, why do you need to register with a provider if they are not collecting your data? At, we don’t need you to register to run a uniqueness test. You can simply upload a text or file, run your checks, wait for your result and download the report.
  • Cost: paid plagiarism check providers charge per word count. In other words, the more word count you want to check, the higher you will have to pay. Why pay so much if you can obtain the same result and check my paper free?
  • Data storage: At Custom Writing, we don’t store any document you run through the checker. Instead, we immediately delete them so that it does not bring up any similarity with future checks.
  • Professionalism: We use a careful selection of top-rated writers that are experts in various fields of study. You can also go through reviews and browse each writer’s profile to ensure that you only get the best. For example, one of our writers, Dr. Sam Ph.D. has completed 1077 papers and has a 99% rating from 700 reviews.

With that said, we promise a smooth transaction and quality projects. Visit today.


How can I write plagiarism papers for free?

The only way to write a plagiarism-free paper is to attribute quotes or ideas to their original author unless it is common knowledge or use a plagiarism-checker. The software highlights similarities and their sources so that you can either remove them or give proper credit to the owner.

Where can I check plagiarism for free?

You can check paper for plagiarism on Our free plagiarism checker compares your paper with millions of other papers on the internet. The software also generates a similarity index with their sources, and you can download the report if you want to.

With our checker, submit only unique papers! Try it now!