Helpful Tips on How to Cite PowerPoint in MLA

Published: July 23, 2024

Have you been assigned to compose a paper in humanities disciplines? Learn about the MLA formatting style because it is widespread. Some students think that if they have a clear picture of what APA and Chicago styles look like, they will be able to cite in MLA without checking samples of how to cite a PowerPoint presentation in MLA. It is a misconception because each style used for formatting presentations and online files has its own specific features, which you should keep in mind.

If you have never dealt with PowerPoint presentations in MLA, learn about its peculiarities. This is a must step to take for you to provide information sources in the way they should be presented taking into account the format requirements. Have you seen a PowerPoint lecture that can be used for your research? Follow useful guidelines on how to format in MLA. Be very attentive not to miss a thing.

Guidelines on How to Cite PowerPoint in MLA

Often, students find a PowerPoint lecture that can contribute to their research but avoid citing it being unaware of MLA citing rules. There are MLA regulations for you to follow when organizing sources of information.

Have you visited a conference and now want to refer to the lecture of some professor? Follow tips on how to cite a professor’s PowerPoint MLA. You are expected to include such details as:

  • Provide the name of the conference
  • Write the name of the presentation itself
  • Mention the person who was making a presentation
  • Specify the kind of lecture you have attended or write “Lecture.”

Include the above-mentioned details when citing a PowerPoint presentation. Provide the information about the venue of the lecture and the date when it took place. You may use this PowerPoint lecture example: Roberts, John. “William Shakespeare.” Poetry Lecture. The British Library, London. 10 March 2018. If there is a need to use digital files, stick to the following structure: Jones, Kelly. “Roberts Burns.” April 2018. PowerPoint presentation.

What to do if a digital image, an illustration, is of the utmost importance for your work but you have no idea how to cite a picture in PowerPoint MLA? When citing an image in PowePoint in MLA provide such details as the picture title; the name of the person who has made it; the internet resource where it is located; its creation and publication dates. Bear in mind that Google can’t be mentioned as the pic publisher. Search for the required information at URL where it is located.

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