How To Write A Reflective Essay About William Shakespeare

July 23, 2024

Often school, college, and university students are assigned to write an essays about William Shakespeare because he is one of the greatest poets in the history. Many modern students find such task confusing and difficult. This is due to the fact that not many young people are well familiar with Shakespearean works, his style of writing and life, which makes it difficult for them to complete William Shakespeare essay writing task.

Students, who face difficulties with this assignment are wondering – “How to write a reflective essay about William Shakespeare?” To answer this question, you should find out what is the goal of the task. This type of work is not much different from a usual essay, just like descriptive essay about mother. The only important distinctive feature of such text is that it has to reflect your personal experience related to the topic of the paper. If you need to find out, you must define what experiences you have with this poet and his life, how his papers had influenced you, etc.

How To Start Your Work?

How to start a reflection essay on Shakespeare? As any other work, it has to begin with a short intro, you can devote this part to the poet in general, his life and art, you can also mention which sonnet you liked the most, and conclude your introduction with a thesis. It is also necessary to explain to your readers why the chosen topic is important and relevant.

How To Create A Reflective Essay?

Creating a good academic paper requires time and preparation, but if you follow all the steps described below you will see that it is much easier than you thought!

  • Preparation. Research the topic, identify your opinion, find enough sources of information, and make a detailed plan of your work.
  • Working on the text. Make sure you read and understand the guidelines given by your teacher and follow them while working on the paper! Keep your custom writings short and don’t deviate from the main topic of the text, and follow the proper structure – introduction; main body; conclusion.
  • Final touches. When your work is finally completed, it doesn’t mean that there is nothing else you need to do, so don’t neglect proofreading and editing! You can put your text aside for a day or two and then read it again to ensure that it reflects the topic, doesn’t contain mistakes, and meets all the requirements.

What Are The Most Common Mistakes?

Many students approach William Shakespeare essay writing wrong because they don’t understand the purpose of this task. At this point, you must realize that reflective papers are much more subjective and personal than other academic works, so there is no “wrong” or “right”! It is all about your opinion and experience!

Note that you have to be more concise in your text because unlike if you were writing a William Shakespeare research paper, an essay has to be much shorter and straight to the point!

The last but not less valuable mistake is refusing to ask questions! You don’t know how to write an essay about Shakespeare? Then don’t hesitate and ask your teacher for advice and keep in mind that asking questions will never make your grade lower, but not asking a question actually can!


Scientific paper writing is challenging and time-consuming. Such assignments require dedication and attention apart from a good set of skills and knowledge. But, following these simple tips, you will learn to write a reflective research papers on William Shakespeare or any other topic with ease and get the highest grade!

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