Macbeth as a Rewritten Scottish History Essay

August 21, 2022

The rewritten Scottish history plays the dualities of human characters, and the serpentine seeds of political ambition and power play very bleakly. However, the general history of King Macbeth and his queen was very different. Shakespeare has supposedly made the actual play of blood and gore a bleak projection of human complexities.

The real evidence of Kind Macbeth of Scotland stays far from the swift downfall and power play. The beginning of the play shows an utterly happy and content king who indulges his vassals and upholds trust, glory, and justice over everything.

The sliHowever, the down of these human values showplace rather quickly. The play is quite racy, and the individual characterizations speed from such an idyllic balance to completely turn around, which is reflected in the state of the kingdom itself.

With the murder of King Duncan and Macbeth’s constant struggle to climb higher up the ladder of power, there are piles and piles of murder and crimes that get committed, resulting in utter chaos in the usually well-maintained kingdom. The central theme for “Macbeth” is the reversal and displacement of the good for the bad though a rather temporary one.

The play restores harmony and the triumph of the king, who is, in the end. Throughout the play, we see this constant struggle of Macbeth’s shadow self fighting the other. He is always in dualities and trying to justify his deeds.

He is shown as a puppet in the ruthless hands of ambition. In one place, he is directed by ambition and called to commit his sins; in the other, he tries to feebly plead for his weak human nature that falls under the trap.

So as the play goes along, we find stark contrasts in the lines like:

“Fair is foul, and foul is fair.”

“Like a rat without a tail, I’ll do, I’ll do, and I’ll do.”

“Is this a dagger which I see before me…or art thou but a dagger of the mind?”

Double, double toil and trouble.”

“By pricking my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.”

“Out, damned spot!”

“There’s daggers in men’s smiles.”

“Stars, hide your fires! Let not light see my black and deep desires.”

The dualities are seen not only in Macbeth’s weaker and possessed mind but also in his conspiring wife. Though Lady Macbeth is seen as a driving force behind Macbeth’s way down to the pits of hell, she becomes nothing more than part of the supernatural conspiracy.

The unfolding of the play, in effect, reveals the test of justice versus unfettered and ruthless ambitions.

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