Essay First Draft

July 28, 2017


Academic tutors will downgrade essays that have the same writer's voice and which appear to be substantially copies of essays handed in by other students.

To personalize your essay it's important that you add ideas from your own study with the ideas gathered from the study group work. Using the group outline as the start of your own outline add ideas that you found during your own reading research and delete points that you don't need.

Don't share any part of your personalized essay text with your friends!

Draft Essay

Writing the draft is an easy task because all the preparatory work has been done. It's simply a matter of pulling all the ideas together and filling out your essay outline with details, and perhaps re-arranging ideas so that they flow logically from one point to the next.

The draft essay is written at one sitting so turn off your cell-phone, lock the door, sit at a desk and try to complete the writing from start to finish. This will allow your thoughts to flow easily from point to point and will add cohesion to your work.

Ignore word typos and the word-count as these minor distractions will interfere with the thoughts flow. Stay focused on writing until you have finished the essay body.

Citation Props

The next step is to include your citations. Citations can be compared with mining roof props that support the load of a tunnel roof during underground mining operations. They need to be strong and placed where they will effectively support the tunnel roof.

It's important to find strong academic props witten by recognized researchers that will support what you have written in your essay.

JIT Principle

Your academic props will add strength to your essay statements but they should be used sparingly. Think of them as being 'just in time' and use them only where they add strength to your essay argument. You should never use citations as essay padding.

Using too many citations will smother your own ideas but if your citations are weak and sparse your tutor may assume that you didn't do enough research reading!

Citation Format

Your citations format will probably be either the American Psychological Assoc. (APA) or the Modern Languages Assoc. (MLA). Purdue and Waikato universities have free APA citation guides which you can find from Google. Follow your tutor's advice but aways use an internationally recognized citation format.

By the way, Custom Writing can help you write your essay. 

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