Shaping the Future of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

February 28, 2024

Accelerating the societal benefits of artificial intelligence and machine learning while ensuring equity, privacy, transparency, accountability and social impact.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a key driver of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Its effect can be seen in homes, businesses, schools and even public spaces, enabling advances in autonomous driving, energy efficiency, and even facilitating better care for the young and elderly. AI holds the promise of solving some of society’s most pressing issues, but also presents challenges such as inscrutable “black box” algorithms, unethical use of data and potential job displacement.

As rapid advances in machine learning (ML) increase the scope and scale of AI’s deployment across all aspects of daily life, multistakeholder collaboration is required to optimize accountability, transparency, privacy and impartiality to create trust.

Our Platform brings together key stakeholders from the public and private sectors to co-design, test and implement policy frameworks that accelerate the benefits and mitigate the risks of AI and ML.

Project areas include standards for protecting children, predicting and mitigating wildfires, and addressing the unique challenges of facial recognition technology.

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