4 Tips on How to Choose Online Essay Writer

November 24, 2023

Once you decided to work with an essay writer to complete your assignments, you think that life is going to become effortless and joyful. Now you don’t have to worry if you can manage all the home work, essays, tasks, researches, reviews. You don’t stay up late because of preparing for an essay. It seems like you found the best tool for perfect time management. However, choosing and finding a perfect online essay writer might take much more time than you expected.

The market is full of unfairness. Companies are offering writing from scratch. Instead they are selling you papers writer years ago. They not only have zero relevance but are obviously full of plagiarism. Freelance writers provide papers full of errors and little sense. Trying to get your paper revised or your money refund won’t always work either. So how can you know that this time you will be put in touch with professional essay writers? That your money won’t be wasted, and you don’t have to redo the paper later on your own? Learn from our experience and follow the guideline below. We will teach you how to choose an online essay writer from the first attempt!

#1 Academic background

Many essay writing services claim that all their writers are MA or PhD title holders. It would be great if they were, but we would recommend to double check this every time you have a new writer assigned. A reliable service will allow you to see proofs of their writer’s education. This is the only way you can ensure in the following important details:

  • Your essay writer has a degree related to your field of studies.
  • He or she has decent English knowledge.
  • The writer has passed courses on academic writing and is a professional in this field.

If the custom writing service refuses to show these proves they are most likely to be working with low-quality writers.

#2 Hands on experience

Your online essay writer might have an MA in your field. But it’s been many years and the person haven’t done anything related to this subject for ages. Search for an author with hands on experience. A good writer either works or worked as a teacher in college or university. Another situation that they actually work within your area of expertise and do essay writing as a part time job.

An essay writer like this will pay close attention to your detailed request. So he will be able to provide strong sources, facts and events within the paper. On the other hand, some young, amateur authors might be great in writing, but have little real-life knowledge.

#3 Don’t forget about samples

If all the above criteria are met, it still might not be enough to get a successful essay. They might be great in composing, have a lot of academic knowledge and experience in the field. But what if you simply don’t like their writing style? Or even worse, the style differs from your so much, that your teacher will detect a bought paper immediately.

Reviewing sample works of your potential writer is a great help in this situation. It will not only help you to make up your mind, but also prove that he or she has a solid portfolio and experience in being an essay writer online. If the candidate rejects to show samples, most probably, they don’t exist.

#4 What are your rights when buying a paper online?

You can talk endless about consumer rights to a disreputable writer. Your rights after the essay is done and you have paid purely depend on where you made the deal. If, for example, it was a freelance writer, there is very little you can do. Would you go to the court for 30 $? Not likely. A freelancer has all the power to disappear from the horizon as soon as you complain about plagiarism, want a revision or a refund.

A much better idea for finding a decent essay writer online is working with an custom writing service. The company is a legal entity and is responsible for whatever their staff completes. First of all, a writer working for a custom writing service is afraid to lose the job. Second, once your hired freelancer fails to meet your requirements the company keeps responsibility. They have to provide refunds, revisions etc. For them losing their reputation costs more than refunding your money.

This being said, let’s sum up the most important things one should keep in mind when selecting a writer.

  • The person should provide proves of education.
  • The custom writer must be able either a certified ESL or a native speaker.
  • Have proven experience in your area of expertise.
  • Showcase samples or portfolio of previous works.
  • Work for a custom writing service, not as an individual freelancer.
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