How to Write a Conclusion for an Argumentative Essay

October 24, 2023

The Role of a Conclusion in an Argumentative Essay

The role of a conclusion in an argumentative essay is crucial in effectively wrapping up the discussion and leaving a lasting impression on the reader. Unlike other parts of the essay, the conclusion serves a distinct purpose beyond summarizing the main points. Its primary objective is to reiterate the central argument and present a compelling case for its validity.

To write a powerful conclusion for an argumentative essay, it is important to avoid mere repetition of the thesis statement or a simple rundown of the key arguments. Instead, the conclusion should provide a broader perspective by emphasizing the significance of the topic, highlighting its relevance in a larger context. Additionally, it is essential to address counterarguments or opposing viewpoints and offer a thoughtful response.

By weaving together the main ideas and evidence presented throughout the essay, the conclusion should be able to leave a lasting impact on the reader, reinforcing the credibility and strength of the argument put forth. It serves as a final opportunity to persuade the audience to accept your viewpoint or consider your recommendations. When you write an argumentative conclusion it requires precision and care, ensuring that it seamlessly aligns with the content of the essay while leaving a lasting impression on the reader.

Components of a Strong Argumentative Conclusion

A strong argumentative essay conclusion is comprised of several key components that work together to create a powerful ending to the essay. Here are some of the most important components to keep in mind when crafting a conclusion for an argumentative essay:

  1. Thesis restatement: The conclusion should begin by restating the thesis statement that was introduced in the introduction. This reminds the reader of the main argument and what was being discussed.
  2. Summary of main points: While it is important to avoid repetition, a summary of the main points discussed in the essay can be helpful in reinforcing the overall argument.
  3. Addressing counterarguments: In an argumentative essay, it is important to address any opposing viewpoints that were presented in the essay, while explaining why your argument is still valid.
  4. Final thought: The conclusion should end with a final thought about the topic that leaves the reader with something to think about. This can be a call-to-action, a recommendation, or even a question.
  5. Closing statement: A strong closing statement can help tie all of the components of the conclusion together and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

By including these key components in an argumentative essay conclusion, writers can create a powerful ending that reinforces the strength of their argument and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Step-by-step Conclusion Writing Guide

Writing a conclusion for an argumentative essay can be both challenging and rewarding. It is an opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the reader, persuading them of the strength of your argument and leaving them with something to think about. Here is a step-by-step guide to writing a conclusion for an argumentative essay:

  1. Restate your thesis – Begin writing your conclusion by reiterating your thesis statement, reminding the reader of the main point you were arguing.
  2. Summarize your main points – Summarize the main points you made throughout your essay. Do it in a way that does not simply repeat what you have already written but instead provides a concise but effective recap.
  3. Address opposing views – Acknowledge any counterarguments or opposing views presented throughout your essay by reviewing and disputing them. This demonstrates that you have considered multiple sides and have a clear understanding of the issue.
  4. Broaden your perspective – Broaden your perspective by providing context or additional insights on the topic. This can be done by relating your argument to a larger issue or by providing a thought-provoking example.
  5. Provide solutions or recommendations – Provide solutions or recommendations that the reader can consider. This can include actionable steps or invitations to think critically about the issue at hand. This makes your essay more actionable and practical.
  6. Use a closing statement – End your conclusion with a closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader. Choose your last words carefully and keep in mind that this statement must effectively encapsulate and emphasize your argument.
  7. Revise your essay – After completing your conclusion, it’s time to revise your entire essay to ensure that it flows well, is concise, and avoids any grammatical errors. This step is vital for giving your essay a polished finish.

In conclusion, writing a strong conclusion for an argumentative essay requires a clear and concise summary of your main points along with effectively addressing counterarguments, and broadening your perspective. By following the above-mentioned step-by-step guide, you can craft a powerful and memorable conclusion that leaves a lasting impression on your reader. Remember, writing a conclusion is never just summarizing your arguments. It is a chance to leave a strong, final impression on your reader while restating your thesis and summarizing your arguments with clarity and effectively engaging them with your unique perspective.

Techniques to Avoid in a Conclusion Writing

In order to write a strong conclusion for an argumentative essay, it is important to steer clear of certain techniques that can undermine its effectiveness. Here are a few techniques to avoid:

  1. Introducing new information: Your conclusion should not introduce any new arguments or evidence that have not been discussed in the body paragraphs of your essay. Adding new information at this stage can confuse the reader and weaken the impact of your argument.
  2. Restating the thesis without elaboration: While it is essential to restate your thesis in the conclusion, avoid simply regurgitating it without providing further elaboration. Instead, offer a concise summary of your main points and demonstrate how they support your thesis.
  3. Using weak or speculative language: Avoid using phrases like “I think” or “I believe” in your conclusion. These phrases weaken the confidence and authority of your argument. Instead, use assertive and evidence-based language to strengthen your position.
  4. Dismissing counterarguments without addressing them: It is important to acknowledge and address counterarguments in an argumentative essay. Dismissing them without providing a clear rebuttal can make your conclusion appear dismissive or incomplete. Take the time to address opposing viewpoints and explain why your argument is still valid.
  5. Rushing the conclusion: A conclusion should not feel rushed or abrupt. It should provide a sense of closure and a final thought for the reader to ponder. Avoid ending your essay abruptly without providing a clear, well-crafted closing statement.

By avoiding these techniques, you can ensure that you write a conclusion for an argumentative essay that is strong, persuasive, and leaves a lasting impact on the reader. It should effectively tie together your main points, address counterarguments, and provide a thought-provoking closing statement.

Tips to Write an Effective Conclusion

Writing an effective conclusion for an argumentative essay is crucial as it can greatly impact the overall success of your essay. Here are a few tips to help you with your conclusion writing:

  1. Summarize your main points: Recap the key arguments you made throughout your essay in a concise and clear manner. This reaffirms your main points and reminds the reader of the strength of your argument.
  2. Address counterarguments: Take the opportunity in your conclusion to address any counterarguments or opposing viewpoints presented in your essay. Refute them with evidence and logic, showcasing the thoroughness of your research.
  3. Broaden the perspective: Expand the viewpoint in your conclusion by providing broader context or bringing in relevant examples. This helps your reader see the bigger picture and understand the wider implications of your argument.
  4. Provide a call to action or recommendation: End your conclusion with a call to action or recommendation that urges the reader to take further action or consider the implications of your argument. This adds a sense of importance and motivates your audience to think critically about the issue discussed.
  5. Use impactful language: Choose powerful words and phrases that leave a lasting impression on the reader. Capture their attention and evoke an emotional response, emphasizing the significance of your argument.

By employing these tips, you can ensure that your conclusion is a strong and memorable ending to your argumentative essay. Well-crafted conclusions are essential in leaving a lasting impact on your reader and reinforcing the strength of your position.

Argumentative Essay Conclusion Writing Example

In conclusion, it is evident that stricter gun control measures are necessary to reduce the alarming rate of gun violence in our society. The arguments presented in this essay clearly demonstrate that easy access to firearms not only leads to increased crime rates but also escalates the severity of incidents. By implementing comprehensive background checks, banning assault weapons, and implementing stricter licensing requirements, we can significantly curtail gun violence and create a safer environment for all.

Despite opposition from pro-gun lobbyists, the overwhelming evidence supports the need for stricter gun control regulations. Numerous studies have shown a direct correlation between lax gun laws and higher rates of gun-related deaths and injuries. Ignoring these findings and failing to take action would be a disservice to the well-being and safety of our communities.

It is imperative that lawmakers and citizens alike recognize the urgency of this issue. By prioritizing public safety over individual gun ownership rights, we bring ourselves closer to a society where families can feel secure and innocent lives are protected. It is time to take a stand against gun violence and implement the necessary measures to create a safer future for all. Together, we can make a difference and save countless lives.

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